Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What Lies Beneath

I am home from work today because of Mardi Gras, not because I'm playing hooky, and I watched Oprah on my local station. A while back my sister mentioned to me that no matter who Oprah is interviewing, she always turns it around and inevitably makes it about her. I was looking forward to watching today's show because Oprah was interviewing Meg Ryan. I really liked Meg Ryan...pre-collagen lips and botox injections. Have you all seen her lately? Ewww!

Anyway, the interview was going on nicely until Oprah asked Meg about fame and the tabloids. Meg went on to say that she basically ignored or did not read what was printed about her. Without skipping a beat, Oprah turned it all around and had to mention how she does not read the tabloids and how it affects her because her own employees talk about what's being said about her at the water cooler.

Honestly! It's not *all* about you, Oprah! I know you make lots of money. I know you are extremely charitable and you've given lots of money, but it doesn't always have to have an undercurrent about you running through it all the time. I know. Your show is called Oprah after all, but still. Give it a rest with your truth!

Two Postscripts here:

  • Around the last ten minutes or so of Meg's interview, Ms. O did a piece on Meg's spiritual trip to India (featured in "O" magazine this month, btw). Do I even have to say anymore? Ms. O had to mention her leadership school for girls she is personally overseeing in Africa. Great for the girls in that African country, bad timing for a plug about your charitable work. The moment was all about Meg and not you Ms. O. *sigh*

  • The second half hour Ms. O had Lucy Liu and her video about Pakistan and the earthquake that killed many. Lucy Liu was looking like she'd been spared Ms. O's truth, when at the last minute, before thanking her, she began comparing Pakistan's experience with her own personal 9/11 experience and how *she*felt about it. Pitiful.


Trixie said...

I would not be surprised if Oprah interviewed Connie Chung and somehow worked in, "I remember when I was an Asian woman . . . " It's crazy!

Breezy said...

She is scary. I'm tired of her and her alleged "friend" Gayle. Notice the GAY in Gayle. *teehee*

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