Saturday, October 21, 2006

Marie Antoinette

Earlier today Julie and I went to see Sofia Coppola's "Marie Antoinette". I thought I would enjoy it more, but I just didn't.

I left remembering the chocolates, pastries, champagne, and extravagant gobs of food they were served every 5 minutes, or so, rather than the actual movie. I was looking forward to listening to New Order's "Age of Consent", but, alas, she didn't include it. It was only for the movie's trailer.

The director made the girls look very pretty and delicate, and Kiki looked especially adorable except for maybe her two stray teeth. They were very distracting.

See! She's trying to hide them.

I don't know. I really liked seeing the gowns and the gardens of Versailles.

Did I mention I loved all the food?

If Sofia's point was to say that Marie Antoinette was too young to be queen and that she was mostly worried about the world within the confines of Versailles all the while forgetting her subjects, then she made her point. It was all frivolity and not much substance.

I also know she intended to have the actors speak in their own accents, but she could've at least demanded a tiny bit of a French accent when pronouncing people's names and French locations. Sometimes I felt like I was listening to tourists trying desperately to sound local. Ugh! Would you like some Franch Fries? My eardrums were slowly bleeding. Is it any wonder the French dislike us?

Did I mention the food? Deelicious!

Marianne Faithful was also delectable. She played Marie's mother to perfection. I love her husky voice and the authority she projected. She was cast perfectly.

Oh, and the food...did I mention the food? LOL, let me reach for my glass of champagne.


Silly Monkey said...

I find those stray teeth are ALWAYS distracting.

jason said...

I wanted to see that too.:(

I have very low expectations, but I still would like to see it. I read Antonia Frasers book a while back.

Breezy said...

I think you should see it. You may like it. Enjoy!