Thursday, February 08, 2007

Dark City

"I P.R., sweetie!!!" - Edina Monsoon

I was flipping through the news channels in hopes of catching some updates on Anna Nicole "Do you like my body?" Smith's death, when I caught Anderson Cooper 360 doing some further P.R. for our wonderful city.

Who hired him for that job?

Prisoners of Crime - Murder City USA: 24 Hours in New Orleans is what the animation said just above the crawl at the bottom of the screen. Well, isn't that special?

Screw you Anderson Cooper! Blah!


jason said...

Mardi Gras and they're hyping that again.
Always scandal mongering. He's no better than any of the rest of them...(and not a very good journalist either...)

Maybe we should be thankful for poor Anna Nicole. She'll divert the attention of the hounds for a while perhaps.

Breezy said...

He isn't any better than the rest of them, *and* he doesn't dress any better either with his Prada wearing self!

Silly Monkey said...

Hey, watch the Prada remarks. I happen to know a French writer with a facial mole who carries a Prada bag and reads your blog. ;o

How did Anna Nicole die, anyway?