Thursday, May 08, 2008


  • Two weeks until summer vacation and this summer I may actually see the beach. At last!
  • A big F*%K YOU to the tickety tacky hot tranny/stripper mess parent who gives me shade every frakking day when I try to put her child in her car at the end of the school day.
  • I hate LOST yet I watch it every week. By the way, where do the islanders find an endless supply of clothes that never repeat?
  • I love the CUT BLOG over at New York Magazine online. It's for sure not theoretical physics.
  • Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory is 35! Who knew?! Not me.
  • I recommend reading The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan. Despite it's focus on two different generations of Asian women, it manages to speak the truth about families of any culture.
  • Tyra you so crazy for putting your face on a picture of the Mona Lisa and then putting it on your Tyra Mail cards. When in Rome...
  • Oprah, you meany, made Baba Waba cry on her show which then made me tear up. You suck harpO! Good interview though. Ugh!
  • My new favorite song by The Ting Tings -"Shut Up and Let Me Go" It has an 80s vibe.


Marshall said...

Damn you for getting that song in my mind. I'm going to Ting Ting all day.

I love the recap of your world via the title "Streaming". I have to adopt that with my blog.

See you shortly, HIB.

jason said...

two weeks?
I hate you.

Silly Monkey said...

Sheldon is 35? OMG! I thought the actor actually looked TOO YOUNG to play Sheldon. He looks like a kid.

Why do you hate Lost? I was wondering about the clothes last week when I saw that Hurley had a brand new t-shirt.

What did Oprah do to make Barbara cry?

Breezy said...

MSH - Ting Ting Ting!!! :-)

Spaces - Yes, indeed 2 weeks and I can't wait. I wonder how long you'll have to go before your break.

Silly Monkey - I hate lost because it's frustrating yet entertaining at the same time. You know?

Oh, Oprah mentioned Baba Waba's new book and the section on her sister with special needs. She passed away while Baba was at work and she was not there when she died. It still hurts her and it made her cry when retelling the story.

Silly Monkey said...

I caught it last night. They do repeats, apparently, like five nights later.

Trixie said...

You have been on the Westbank too long. What does "gives me shade" even mean?